Taking Better Care Of The Most Neglected Part(s) Of Your Body

I don’t know if it is a statistical fact that our feet are the most neglected parts of our bodies, but I guess they do end up pretty high on such a list.

We stand and walk on our feet all day long, they are absolutely crucial for our mobility – yet we tend not to pay much attention to them. Maybe it has something to do with them being the body part farthest away from our head, I don’t know?

When we finally do notice our feet it tends to be because of some foot related problem, of which there are way too many. Ingrown toenails, fungus infection, athletes foot, hammer toe – you name it! Or you perhaps you’re just suffering from aching feet – plain and simple.

Some of these conditions may not be your fault. They may be caused by genetics, injuries and a wide array of other factors.

However, I do think many of us need to get better at taking care of our feet. So I dug up two short videos that I think you will find useful.

The first one i from CNN and discuss common foot and toe problems and their associated solutions:

And then a very good video about the basics of foot care:

I have certainly often been guilty of “just hopping in the shower, giving the feet a quick scrub” and then leaving it at that. But now I think I’m going to make it a New Year’s resolution to spend a bit more quality time with my feet on a regular basis.

Last but not least, remember that nothing about your body is all cosmetics. And your feet are not the exception to the rule. How you walk is also a huge factory. It’s really a science in its own right, but this step by step guide (no pun intended?) on how to walk is a great start.

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